Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Keep Calm and Relax

Just chillin'
Tomorrow will be chemo #5 and the first of the new drug Taxotere. To get ready for this chemo session I will be getting a massage, followed by Reiki, pronounced ray-key. Did you know that a massage therapist can be trained to work with cancer patients? I had to get a note from my doctor allowing me to have a massage. Having these complimentary therapies will help relieve stress and anxiety as well as handle the pain.
Visit the American Cancer Society to learn more.

I wanted to treat myself to a massage during Christmas break but had to cancel the appointment when I landed in the hospital. That's where my nurse, Gea, offered to give me a Reiki treatment. She was trained by  Reiki Rays of Hope for caregivers.  It's very difficult for me to put into words how I felt while Gea was gently talking to me and praying. She held her hands an inch above my body and I could feel this warm, tingling sensation. I was very relaxed but was also crying the whole time. It was just pure love.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, Reiki is a form of hands-on, natural healing that uses universal life force energy. 

The benefits of Reiki treatment

  • bring a peaceful, deep relaxation
  • dissolve energy blockages and tension
  • detoxify the body
  • support the well-being of the client who is receiving traditional medical treatments that are debilitating, such as chemotherapy and radiation, surgery, kidney transplants, etc.
  • supply universal life-force energy to the body
  • stimulate the body’s immune system
  • help to relieve pain
  • stimulate tissue and bone healing after injury or surgery
  • increase the vibrational frequency of the client on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels
Visit the American Cancer Society to learn more about Reiki.


  1. Hi Christie,
    Just wanted to drop a note of encouragement to you. You are always in my thoughts and payers. I'm sending you a hug today because I know you probably need one.

    1. Thanks for sending hugs and prayers! So sweet of you for taking the time. ((HUGS))

  2. Hi Christie,
    Thinking of you and giving you that virtual "HUG" to help and healing thoughts. I have known of others that have fought and won this battle. I know you have the strength to do the same. Keep that fresh spirit and smiling face!

    Sue C.

    1. Thank you for this encouraging message and special hug! Please see my Survivor Project. I want to update with more names in the future. Would you like to add those you know? ((HUGS))

  3. Hi Christie,

    Just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way. Stay positive!


    1. Hi Cydny, Thanks for sending positive thoughts today. It really helps me stay focused and means so much to me. ((HUGS))

  4. Hey Christie! I hope everything goes well for you. I know it will be hard, but it is just a means to an end, and that is to get you better. Stay focused on the result and stay strong. I know you can do it. You are one tough chick. Please know that I am thinking of you and sending you some extra strength the next couple of days.
    Jenn Pierce

    1. Hey Jenn! So nice to hear from you! Thank you for taking time to send this message of encouragement.I means a lot! ((HUGS))

  5. You are a strong, determined woman who is capable of great things. You do so much good in the world, I can only imagine what wisdom you will share after you conquer this battle. Thoughts and prayers for a very special lady! :-)

    1. Hi Jennifer, Thank you for taking the time to send words of encouragement. I appreciate the thoughts and prayers. They really helps me cope each day. ((HUGS))

  6. You are such a strong, incredible woman! To not only go through this, but to create a blog like this, a voice for those who are not as strong as you are- that's amazing. I hope that this blog and the messages here provide you with a little comfort. We are all thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way!!

    1. Hi Renee, I'm so excited that you like my blog! Did you see the bookshelf? Maybe you could use one on your blog. I think students could write book reviews on Shelfari. Thank you for sending encouraging words and positive thoughts today. I feel the love! ((HUGS))


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