Sunday, January 1, 2012

Information Overload

So, I’ve discovered I’ve had a lot of “ectomies” in my life… Tonsillectomy, Hysterectomy, Oophorectomy, Lumpectomy.

And I’ve also noted that with as much data that is out there about each one of us, there is still a lot of systems that are not connected to one another. Even if it is in the same building.  There are SO many forms that I’ve had to fill out since my “journey” began. So, why can’t they share all this data?

And with each medical person that comes in the room, I’m asked my date of birth.  Next time, I’m asking if they are giving me a birthday card. 

Getting Organized: Anyway, I created a list of questions to prepare for the radiation oncologist appointment. My sister, Christie, posed as my secretary ~ notebook in hand, ready for onslaught of information.  It is certainly important to get organized.  In the original packet of information my surgeon gave me, I came across an organizer from American Cancer Society and requested it (free).

Family medical history: I’m glad my sister was with me to help answer our family history of cancer, not to mention other diseases. I’ve had to repeat my medicine list several times.  It’s a good idea to have this information written down … or type it and make copies for each “team” member.

Legal Documents: I already had my will and power of attorney documents done a few years ago.  (It’s a good idea to get these done if you haven’t … and if you have, keep them up-to-date). It can be a dreary subject, but in my line of work, I’ve had to assist people on many occasions. When my sister died, my husband and I not only bought plots next to her, but we took care of those pesky details.  So PLEASE do too!

There are so many resources.  The home page for these links is


  1. I really like your new layout with all the photos added! You found many helpful links too, nice job! It was not a problem to be your "secretary"...anytime:D

  2. Arrgh!! The incessant birth date question! It does get annoying at times but I suppose it has its purpose for patient verification.

    Congrats on getting so organized with your medical history, legal documents, etc. It will pay back dividends as your journey continues. I believe doctors appreciate a patient that is organized, informed, concerned and involved with their own well being. The better the patient the better the health care. I might also suggest keeping the tsunami of medical bills you’re receiving organized as well. Billing mistakes are easily made and it is good to retain old records for reference.

    Thanks for the helpful links.



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