Friday, January 27, 2012

Lookin' a little Junkie

The Gorge
This morning, I had my first INR Blood Test which measured 1.8.  Doc said I'm right on target (needs to be between 2-3).  She said I don't have to take the remainder of the shots (Framine) as the blood thinners are doing what it needs to do.  There are 2 shots left, which she wants me to save in case my numbers get low again.  I look like a "junkie" on my belly as the needle marks are leaving bruises.

She wants another test next Friday and then every 2 weeks.  She asked me if I was up to collecting my own numbers and adjusting my Coumidine accordingly.  Sure, why not?  I just call in for the results and if I'm unsure, I'll ask.  Taking 5mg now....either add to it or take it every other day, etc. 

I also asked to have them at the "satellite" medical center closer to work and she said yes.  It's getting old going downtown already!

Today is a good day.  Already dreading next Thursday, but I'm trying to just focus on today ... in the moment .... right?!

Matt came home from school last night very sick.  He doesn't want to spread his germs, so has taken precautions as much as possible.  Bummer :(

IT'S FRIDAY!  May your day be as awesome as you are!


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