Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My Pity Party

The last few days have been kinda rough.  I missed all day Monday ... managed to work Tuesday 10:15-4:00.  I have no idea how I drove to work and back. I don't think I'm going to try that again either.  I'll just have to book both Monday & Tuesday after chemo that I'm going to be off work. 

Everything inside of me is getting killed.  I'm feeling it.

I got home yesterday and went straight to bed.  Matt came home from school around 8pm and was distraught that I hadn't taken my medicine or eaten.  Getting hard to eat.  Not hungry and that metallic taste is back.  So, looks like I'll need a babysitter on Tuesday after.

I'm feeling sorry for myself and I don't want to.  I really don't want to do this anymore.  But I have to.



  1. My pity party was a mega-gala affair that lasted for days, even weeks when I was first diagnosed with cancer. Anybody that says they get through the ordeal without one is not normal. Realize that the drugs they’re giving you can also mess with your mind and cause mood swings. You’re riding an emotional whirlwind. Let the winds blow as they may. It’s normal to have intense down times but you will just as equally have intense up times. You WILL weather this storm Carol and better days are ahead.

  2. Stopping by to check on you! You are allowed to have these days. You are always in my prayers. (((HUGS)))


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