Friday, February 17, 2012


Thankful that today is Friday.  I didn't feel so great today.  My own fault.... Matt drove me to work today and since I was in pain, I decided to take a pain pill.  Breakfast was hours earlier and taking that tiny pill on an empty stomach made me nauseous, dizzy and way off.  Nope, won't do that again.

We had a department luncheon and Debbie was kind enough to get me a bowl of soup.  I sat at my desk for a bit to let it warm my tummy and get me back on track.  Finally, I joined the group in the other room and enjoyed the conversation.  Then, I felt something strange....touched my nose and had blood on my fingers.  Ever so discreetly, I left the room to attend to my bloody nose.  Jeez .... I noticed a bruise on my forearm and can't remember how I got that. Coumadin and cocktails.... Kinda felt like I was falling apart today.

Matt picked me up at 4:30 and I was relieved to go home. Did I mention how relieved I am it's Friday?

On other news, Jasmine moved today a little bit closer to home.  I met the family she is living with and they seem very nice.  We have plans to get Jasmine's license and then make an appointment to get her wisdom teeth removed.  She has been having quite a few headaches and it is terrible if an infection starts in the gums as the poison can travel straight to the heart. 

My friend, Marylee, is leaving for a missions trip to Haiti.  I am so overjoyed for her as this is her heart's desire and she has made several trips there already.  She has a real love for them.  I'm anxious to hear all the wonderful news she will bring back with her....and PICTURES....I am a shutterbug and I love pictures!

Looking Glass Falls
Gonna take it easy this weekend.  May you have a beautiful day ~


  1. tell ya what girlfriend, ya got a lot more people pullin,prayin for ya then you,d ever have one of the biggest hearts i,ve ever run ARE in our thoughts and prayers

  2. Thank you for letting me know I'm in your prayers! That is very, very precious to me ~

    Have a Blessed Day!


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