Friday, February 24, 2012

The Day After - Chemo #3

Last night after getting ready for bed, I made the decision not to go into work today.  The first Friday I missed after chemo.  I was just too exhausted to think about getting up early and putting in a full day.  I'm ever so glad I made that decision.

I slept on & off most of the day with the company of all my animals (boy, they can sleep A LOT!)  Watched a John Wayne comedy (yes, he made a comedy) called McClintock. Loved it!

Took off for the cancer center for my shot of Neulasta. We braved the high winds today and I wore my leopard hat that is snug fitting ... so windy my hair would have blown off my scalp, if I had any!  The nurse was "petting" my hat because it's soft as a kitty.  Nurse Bev, from yesterday, left a magazine for me of photographs of extreme sports.  Awesome photos from exotic places .... oh, how I wish I could go to places and capture everything breathtaking.  Anyway, (back to the shot) .... nurse had me hold the syringe to warm it up while she was getting things ready.  It was cold and she said it burns going in if the fluid is cold.  Did my best to warm it up!  Easy-peazy, no pain going in!  Continue taking the Clairton to ease the bone and muscle pain that is suppose to last 3-4 days.  Hoping to feel like a new woman!

We stopped by mom's to pick up dinner she made for us.  It was good to visit .... as I haven't seen her much since all this started.  Little sister is picking her up next weekend and taking her south for a few months.  She is so excited and I know that it is definitely time for her to get out of the 4 walls and do something different and in warmer climate. 

Debbie sent over this video that is very worthy of sharing.  Hope it moves you


  1. go momma! i love the leopard hat...i have some gloves to match. hopefully these new meds work better for you. get LOTS of rest xoxo


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