Monday, March 26, 2012

Follow Up after Chemo #4

Early Spring Flowers poppin thru
This morning was my follow-up with Dr Esther.  It was a tad frustrating as it took an hour to get from the front waiting room to the back.  It took 2-1/2 hours for everything and to get back to work.

Regardless, my blood pressure was 126/78 .... I lost 6 lbs.  I know I'm not suppose to loose weight now, but I can tell you that I'm not complaining about getting some of this chunk-a-dunka-ness off me.  They seemed satisfied with my blood count, took notice of my nose bleeds, did a breast exam and sent me off with some encouragement and hugs.

Q: When will my radiation begin?
A: Three weeks after my last treatment (estimate May 17)

Q: When will my Herceptin (only) begin?
A: I will have 11 more sessions after this chemo round, which will total 17. It will continue on the same schedule as now, every 3 weeks.  Basically, no break in treatment. (estimate Dec 13)

Q: Do I have to have another blood transfusion?
A: Not this time, count looks good. :)

Q: Do I have to continue the Neulasta shot?
A: Yep :(

Q: How is my prognosis?
A: "I plan to fire you in 5 years" says Doc with a hug. "I'm going to make sure you will be just fine."

Got to work about 11:00.  Made it through 5:45! Debbie gave me another set of "ear-bobs" as Grandma Pearl called them....pretty dangly earrings shaped as a flower.  Along with her fabulous Congratulations! Another round behind you! She has been so sweet giving me a gift after each chemo session.  I'm looking forward to the last set, as she let it slip what they are!!!!

This is going to be a good week.  Feeling stronger. Got some "plans of attack" in life.  Looking forward to Easter Sunday service.

Blessings to you ~


  1. I too have a Grandma Pearl -- and she called them ear bobs as well! Small world!

  2. It’s Spring time Carol and everything is in renewal including you. I can tell by your writings that your spirits are better, you’re feeling stronger and you’re more upbeat. The news from your onc doc is encouraging and you got some good answers to your Q&A session. You’re doing great Carol! Let your optimism and determination bloom with the daffodils. ~ JM

    1. Thank you Joe! And I also hope all is well with you. We should get together with John and have lunch :)

  3. Good news! I think its funny that Dr. E said she was going to fire you in 5 years. So termination can be a good thing? So Herceptin every 3 weeks, will you get the Herceptin and Radiation on the same day? How do people do with that? Better to get it done all at once or stagger it?

    Love ya,

    1. Yes, she meant it as a good thing :) Since radiation is every single week day, there will be a time they are on the same day (every 3rd thursday) I'm finding that people all react differently to treatments, so that is difficult to answer. But I know I want to GET IT ALL DONE! :) Love ya right back!

  4. Plans of attack are good to have in mind. Hope you do have a great week! Good luck with things.

    1. Thanks, Nancy. I appreciate you taking time to write me. Might I add, your blog is outstanding ~


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