Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Friday After #4

Matt took me to work Friday, just in case I got sick or something and couldn't drive back home.  I really thought that the blood transfusion was going to help me feel better.  I had a headache all day and felt queasy.  I barely made it. 

He picked me up at 3:15 to head over to the clinic for my shot.  We were in and out fairly quickly and I just wanted to go home, put my pj's on and lay down.  Which I did.  I got up around 7:00 and lounged on the couch with hubby until midnight. 

The ton of pills I have to take! Yuck.

I'm kinda thinking that Friday's will now be added to the list of days off after chemo.  As much as I want to be at work and keep caught up and not exhaust my leave days, it so isn't worth it.


  1. Hi, Carol -

    Your blog brings back some pretty recent memories for me. Looks like you are having 6 rounds of chemo like I did. By rounds 4 - 6, I was really exhausted. I would have my chemo on Wed and would crash and burn Fri, Sat and Sun. Basically just lounging around in PJs and barely moving. I was also getting a Neulasta injection which caused me a lot of pain and flu like symptoms. I did not do Neulasta after rounds 5 and 6 and that definitely helped me get through them.

    Best of luck to you. You can do this!!!!


  2. Thanks, Jen, for your vote of confidence and confirmation that I'm not imagining the side effects!


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