Friday, June 8, 2012

Round 5 + Herceptin

This morning I was due for my Herceptin drip.  My appointment was 8:30am and it was about 9:15 when the IV was administered.  They were really busy and had 70 patients that would be coming through today.  Canzer is everywhere.  I was in a private room and Nurse Bev took great care of me.

L-O-V-E the heated blankets!

I tried to relax my body and quiet my mind enough to take advantage of the moments of stillness. I am so very tired, but couldn't fade into sleep (too much activity outside the opened door). 

Got my blood test done for the Coumadine and found it to be 3.3 (should be between 2 - 4).  Doc Esther's office called me at work with the results and now I am back down to just 1 pill a day.

I asked Nurse Bev if I had been on Taxol or Taxotere.  A friend of mine is getting ready for Taxol and I couldn't remember what I had.  To my "shock", I was on Taxol.  I say this because the paper I received during orientation on the 3 drugs wasn't Taxol, it was Taxotere.

Any reference of Taxotere in my blog is wrong!

Explains my confusion whenever I heard references about my chemo drugs all those months.  I just started to  believe that it was the same drug (namebrand and generic).  Oh, brother!

I made it back to work finally and tried to get my mind focused.  By 1:00, I was incredibly tired and just wanted to go home and sleep.

At 4:00, I clocked out to make it to radiation treatment by 4:30.  They were running behind and I got in a little after 5:00.  I met a lady while waiting and we exchanged stories.  She began a week before me.

One tech this time and I got in & out quickly. 

It was a long week.  I need 5-1/2 hours of make up time and will work Saturday to catch up.  I think I might sleep the weekend away after that.

One week DONE!


 28 LEFT!

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