He did state that there was no cancer in the brain and, naturally, we are relieved. I asked him if I've ever had TIAs .... none showed .... no strokes either. My memory has been shot, my concentration just about nil, and trying to remember how to spell words can be frustrating. Doc said that my grey matter looked like an older person's. Wha???? He said that the veins were thick, like a smoker or someone with high cholesterol. Well, I quit smoking about 11 years ago and I don't have high cholesterol. Then he mentioned a condition that had three words, and I'm sorry that I didn't write them down. First word was "cardiovascular".
I will definately find out before too long
Doc thinks my headaches could be migrane related. I use to have intense migranes a long time ago. (a few head injuries in childhood) Or, perhaps it is my blood pressure meds that need adjusted.
He said that he is sending the report to my primary care doctor and will let him decide the next step.... maybe a neurologist.
Well, I'm not sweating it. Remaining calm.
No cancer on the brain is the silver lining
Doc also mentioned that not too long ago, people with my type of cancer didn't have much chance. But now with the "smart chemo" = Herceptin, we have a much better chance than ever. That perked me up, yet gave me pause ....
Funny when those reality checks come in
Tomorrow morning, chemo. Thank you brillant people who developed Herceptin and Thank you to patients who endured trials upon trials.
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