Tuesday, July 17, 2012

One more to Go, Baby!

Can I get an Amen!

Today, I'm finally starting to think about the things I want to do when I have more energy.  Remember my new year's resolution?  Declutter! Simplify! Control your "things" before they control you ~

In no particular order (just to name a few)

I want to go for a walk .... without pain in my feet and fatigue
I want to go for a bike ride
I want to explore the Metro parks for a full day with my camera
I want to think more clearly
I want to volunteer my time again with things that are important to God
I want to have more energy
I want to make another shutterfly book
I want to take a photography class
I want to take a vacation!
I want to get involved in life again
I want to pay it forward

Tomorrow, my last treatment is 5:00 (instead of 4:30).  I will also see the doctor.  At that time, he will tell me the next step .... hopefully releasing me from my glow sessions.

The moment of truth

My neighborhood


  1. Hi Carol
    Hope you get good news from the doctor and that you can begin working on that list!

  2. Amen Sis! You are my inspiration and I love you.

  3. Amen!!!

    Your journey has been long but you’ve done magnificently!!!

    Love your “want to” list although I didn’t see a trip to Colorado as one of the action items. I’m sure you’ll be adding more. Next you’ll need to start a “got ‘er done” list to keep track of your accomplishments.

    Glow with your smile not your isotopes.


    1. Oh my goodness! You are right! lol, yes we are still planning a trip to Colorado in mid-August. That's a wonderful idea to have the check off list. Lists are always surrounding me to keep me on course (chemo brain) Thanks for checking in with me :)


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