Thursday, August 30, 2012

Herception #12

Cuddled up with my soft blanket Jane made .... It's perfect for chemo treatment as the room is SO cold, even the waiting room is cold.  Today, I had Nurse Regina tend to me.  I feel "calm" in the familiar setting of the treatment clinic.  They take their duties seriously, yet they can tease one another. (I'm sure in their intense day, it relieves the stress). Watching them collect all the syringes, platex gloves, IV bags, etc ... the usual devices for taking vitals ... the laptops on their rolling table to go from patient to patient .... not to mention the chatter from nurse to nurse as they verify numbers and patient information for one another.  The chemo drug is based on patient's weight and other factors, and they whip out their calculators to figure out the cocktail.  The pharmacist makes the batch specially made for the individual.   That process gives me peace.

Herceptin ~ the estrogen blocker

I asked to talk to the pharmacist, Nicole and she popped over to answer the questions that I had regarding Anastrozole, the pill I have to take for 5 years.  By the way, she mentioned how some patients stop taking the pill after 3 years or even a few weeks.

Don't stop

She said that science shows that it should be taken for "at least" 5 years, if not longer.  I'll take her word for it.  I really, really, don't want to go through this again and if it helps, I'm doing it.

I shared with her the article I found and the side effect page.  She said that the news media can hype things to the extreme, so to not get overly stressed about the information.  It is a good idea to exercise and to make healthy food choices, but hormones that might be in meat products are not enough to cause the cancer to reoccur .... hmmmm.  The side effect page lists ALL possible side effects, but not all of them may come into play.  The most prevalent will be the sore joints and muscles and loss of hand grip.  If I do have problems with Anastrozole, I should call the doctor as there are other "sister" drugs that can be tried.  She told me to get supplemental calcium and Vitamin D.  And I am currently doing that ~

Just bringing my brain and emotions full circle.  You might not like to hear it but, 'none of us are getting out of here alive.' So, deal with it (at least that is what I'm telling myself) by ways that are important to you.

  • Change the things that I can change
  • Live your life to the fullest (wish I would have done that a long time ago)
  • Prioritize ~ what is important?
  • Oh my gosh, I really do need to declutter.  It is out of control, which makes me feel out of control
  • Make that bucket list and actually check things off that list

There is HOPE for each day.

I was recently reminded of Paul, when he was in prison.  And even though his surroundings were unbearable, he had JOY deep in his heart.  I sense that as the ultimate calm. There are many times that I feel this as well.  Sorry you see the other side of me at times ~ you get to be on my roller coaster ride of emotions .... well, I'm an imperfect human.... But one that is full of HOPE. 

My hope is not for myself, say like in a cure for my body. A hope that is so much more than that.   Sadly, many get their happiness only from those things around them in their circle of circumstances.  But once those circumstances changes to illness, or loss or (fill in the blank), our happiness disappears. 

We yearn for peace ... and such is the peace Jesus promises to all who trust in Him.

I am with you always,
even to the end of the age.
Matthew 28:20
This is the hope,
This is the joy,
This is the peace that passes all understanding
It is only through God's grace and His mercy
that we can behold these blessings!

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Monday, August 27, 2012

Extra pounds tied to breast cancer recurrence, death

Published August 27, 2012

Among women who have been treated for breast cancer, heavier women are more likely to have their disease come back and more likely to die of cancer, according to a new study.

It's common sense that sitting in front of computer and TV screens is making people fatter. A study out this week puts some precise numbers on it, though — and finds a surprisingly steady pattern across rich and poor countries.

That could be because certain hormones that are linked to body weight may also fuel tumor growth in the most common form of the disease, known as estrogen receptor-positive cancer.

Previous studies have tied obesity to a higher chance of getting breast cancer - and worse outcomes in women who have already been diagnosed.

But these findings make the post-diagnosis picture clearer, said lead researcher Dr. Joseph Sparano, associate chairman of medical oncology at the Montefiore Einstein Center for Cancer Care in the Bronx, New York.

"Obesity seemed to carry a higher risk of breast cancer recurrence and death - even in women who were healthy at the time that they were diagnosed, and despite the fact that they received the best available chemotherapy and hormone therapy," he said.

Data for the new study came from trials sponsored by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) of women with stage I, II and III breast cancer who were given standardized treatment, with drug doses adjusted based on weight.

Out of close to 5,000 women treated for cancer, about one-third were obese and another one-third were overweight.

Over the next eight years, one in four women had their cancer come back and 891 died - including 695 from breast cancer.

Sparano and his colleagues found that compared to women of normal weight, obese women were 40 percent more likely to have a breast cancer recurrence over the study period and 69 percent more likely to die from breast cancer or any other cause.

Even among overweight but not obese women, there was also a general trend toward a higher risk of recurrence and death with increasing weight, according to findings published Monday in the journal Cancer.

The link was especially strong for women with estrogen receptor positive cancer, which accounts for two-thirds of breast cancers.

But weight wasn't clearly linked to breast cancer outcomes for women with other types of cancer not dependent on estrogen for growth.

Estrogen, insulin, or something else?
Although the new study can't prove that extra weight and fat have a direct impact on certain breast cancers, Sparano said that was "biologically plausible."

"There may be factors that are fueling the growth of the estrogen receptor positive tumors," he said - such as estrogen itself. Women carrying extra fat have been shown to make more estrogen.

In addition, Sparano added, "Insulin levels are known to be higher in patients who are obese because they develop insulin resistance... (and) insulin can stimulate the growth of breast cancer cells."

Dr. Massimo Cristofanilli, head of medical oncology at the Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia, said it's possible that anti-estrogen drugs such as tamoxifen can't do enough to overcome the extra-high estrogen levels in obese women.

"Maybe obese women require much longer treatment because their risk of recurrence remains over time," Cristofanilli, who has studied the link between weight and breast cancer outcomes but wasn't involved in the new study, told Reuters Health.

According to the NCI, one in eight women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point, but the risks vary greatly over the course of a woman's life.

Whether women with the disease can improve their long-term outlook by losing weight hasn't been proven, researchers said.

"The highest priority is just getting through the chemotherapy if chemotherapy is necessary and taking their endocrine therapy," Sparano told Reuters Health.

"But for those who are obese or overweight, there may be additional benefits that one can achieve through diet and through weight reduction that may produce a reduction in the risk of recurrence that's just as significant as the reduction that they get from the standard therapies," he said.

Cristofanilli agreed on the benefits of weight loss and said "it's never too late" for women to become healthier through diet and other lifestyle changes, even after a cancer diagnosis.

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The 5 Year Pill

I'm scared. Simple truth.

Today was my follow-up appointment with Doc Esther.  During my exam, I pointed to the areas where I'm having pain .... and not all the pain is located in my affected breast, there is pain in my "good" side. 

1) Time for my echo (due to the Herceptin)
2) Prescribed Anastrozole which has horrible side effects and patient reviews
3) Ordered a bone density screening to get that base line

The 5 year pill is suppose to start after radiation is done.  My last radiation blast was July18 .... it is now Aug 27, hmmmmm

Once I got home and searched on webmd, I'm starting to come up with questions .... like:

"This medication is used to treat breast cancer in women who have gone through "the change of life" (menopause). Anastrozole works by lowering estrogen hormone levels to help shrink tumors and slow their growth"

  • I thought my surgeon removed the tumor ....
"Tell your doctor immediately if any of these unlikely but serious side effects occur: mental/mood changes (e.g., depression), numbness/tingling/ swelling of the hands or feet, persistent cough, unusual vaginal discharge/burning/ itching/odor, unusually stiff muscles, pain/redness/swelling of the arms or legs, vision changes, bone pain, bone fracture, signs of infection (e.g., fever, chills, persistent sore throat)."

  • I'm already on depression medicine
  • I still have neuropathy
  • My bones (back) HURT so bad already
"Seek immediate medical attention if any of these rare but very serious side effects occur: chest pain, jaw/left arm pain, trouble breathing, confusion, fainting, slurred speech, weakness on one side of the body.
A very serious allergic reaction to this drug is unlikely, but seek immediate medical attention if it occurs. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include: rash, itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat), severe dizziness, trouble breathing."
  • The heart is already taking a beating on Herceptin (no pun intended)
"Constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, loss of appetite, body aches and pains, breast swelling/tenderness/pain, headache, dry mouth, scratchy throat, increased cough, dizziness, trouble sleeping, tiredness/weakness, flushing and sweating (hot flashes/hot flushes), vaginal bleeding, hair thinning, and weight change can occur. Changes in diet such as eating several small meals may help lessen the chance of nausea and vomiting. If any of these effects persist or worsen, notify your doctor or pharmacist promptly."

  • Oh, the fun never stops!
Can anybody tell me their experience on the drug?  I read the Reviews and I must say, frightening.

Plus, like Jennifer said, getting serious about food intake and exercise has got to be top priority.  (sis, help me!)


This Thursday, my Herceptin chemo.
Sept 10 - Echo and Bone Density screening

Ok, I need to go re-direct my brain for awhile.

Peace Out ~
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Get a Jump Start to the Day!

Sunday morning, our alarm was set for church .... except it didn't go off!  My husband was the first to sit up straight and yell "oh no! what time is it?"

Talk about getting a jump start to my day!

The whole block was out.  We weren't running late, so the panic mode decreased as we began our morning routine.  Good thing I don't need a hair dryer!

This was a great Sunday because our friend, Nancy, came to visit our church.  It was great seeing her again after such a long time and it was a blessing to have her fellowship with us.

Saturday - Panera's with Teri / Sunday - Panera's with Tina
Yes, I love Panera's!

Afterwards, I headed to Panera's in town to meet up with a former co-worker who is now living in Germany.  Oh! it was so great seeing her again.  If you want to read a brilliantly written blog read Tina's.

Four hours was just not enough to catch up on everything! Tina, THANK YOU for spending time with me during your stay back home.  Hannah is the most precious little one!

My prayers are now "specific" and will certainly continue to pray....

We spent FOUR hours at lunch!

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Saturday, August 25, 2012


Had such a great time with Teri!  Let's see, we've been friends for about 25 years now.  I think we are aging well, lol!

Aren't tri-pods useful?

Me & Teri

I took a zillion pictures of her


She took a half a zillion of me :)

Lord, thank you for the blessings in my life.  For helping me get a little bit stronger each day and for friendships that last.  Most of all, thank you for opening my eyes and my heart even more each day.  There is SO much to see!
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More Family!

Last night, I met Matt's cousin, Mike, and his wife Debbie.  There is A LOT in common with us .... it is a small world.  Love them both!  Hopefully, we didn't bore them to tears as we were chatty just excited to share our life happenings.

This morning I got myself up (which you know is hard on the weekends) and made it to the calling hours of "R" .  It was so very beautiful.  His mom spent time with me and she is a loving woman.  My heart goes out to the family.

Next, I'm meeting Teri at our half way point to catch up on life.  Taking my camera!

Make this day a WONDERFUL day .... Make a DIFFERENCE!

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Birthdays are Fun!

Time does fly!  Today was Sally's birthday .... she absolutely hates it when I bring my camera in, it's too funny ~ she can't keep her eyes open when the camera flashes.  We finally did a little "trick"

Either don't look directly at the camera

Wear glasses....

Update on my physical self
People are telling me I'm looking great!  I do feel somewhat better.  Just incredibly tired all the time and I know I should be exercising and eating healthier.  It's coming .....
My headaches have been rare.  I'm thinking the new glasses did the trick.  Didn't I mention that on day one?  Got the bill from the neurologist.  I'm not too happy that my family doctor sent me to a specialist that was out of network.  I thought they knew what they were doing so I didn't question it. That bill is high and I'm not planning to go back. GEEZE!
Getting frequent explosions of pain in both breasts, under the arms .... will tell Doc on my appointment this coming Monday. (Dates of stuff are on my page "About Me")
My hair is coming in thick, dark but not curly.  So, unless that changes, it dispels that myth.
Update on my spiritual self
God is showing me so many things.  My eyes are open.  It's not about religion, it's about relationship.  A relationship with God the Father and His son Jesus Christ. AMEN :)

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Monday, August 20, 2012

A Hint of Heaven

Today was my first day back since vacation Aug 10.  It was good to be back refreshed and ready to go.  But, let me tell ya, it was a hard one.

My line of work has some sadness to it.  I've been doing it for about 20 years now and I don't question why, I just do what I feel God has called me to do.

In my own quiet way

I received a phone call from an employee's mother who informed me that he had died over the weekend.  "R" has been on my heart for the past few years as he battled cancer.  Throughout the conversation, I quietly cried as she recited the happenings leading up to his death.  For people who believe in God and heaven, it is easier to let go.  What she told me gave me great peace and

a tingling sensation in my whole being

During the past few years as I helped him through his disability benefits, I had the wonderful opportunity of getting to know him.  He should of really had a blog ~ it would have been awe inspiring.  Every time I spoke with him, he was praising Jesus, telling me of how blessed he was, how he had NO pain, how he was going to be a cancer survivor and he was

 a man who had peace that passes all understanding

The hospice doctors kept wanting to give him morphine and he kept telling them that he was not in pain.  God is so merciful.

The day before he passed, he told his momma that he wanted to get his papers in order.  Friday, everything was completed by 9:00 that night.  She told me that he then said to her that

God had spoken to him.

She said he looked like he was glowing and he was so calm.  R said that God told him that he was going to be healed and they would celebrate,  not in this life, but together in heaven.  The next day, he went home to be with the Lord and was surrounded by his loved ones ~ as it should be. I am sure that angels were ready to guide him to eternity.

I wish that I could tell you the whole conversation verbatim.  It would give you a renewed appreciation of our Holy God.  We can barely comprehend His majesty in our human minds.  I'm honored to have heard the remarkable occurrences she relayed to me.  All my life, I have received confirmation after confirmation.

God reveals Himself to open hearts

Proverbs 3:5-6

New King James Version (NKJV)
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct[a] your paths.

Another "Good-bye"

A beautiful friend of mine had lunch with me today (I'm so lucky).  Over the past years, our friendship has blossomed and my sis even met her! (She was there on my surgery day and also transported me from chemo when I needed her)

She has such a heart for Haiti and God has opened up the door for her to be able to help the lovely people on a more permanent basis.  She is leaving next Friday. 

Talk about being ON FIRE! 
ahhh, if only we could all be like that! (my sis helped her get a blog started)

I ask for prayer that her journey will lead her to the desires of her heart and that God will continue to bless her as her testimony increases each passing day.

Thank goodness for SKYPE!!!

Thank goodness for her faithfulness!!

Thank goodness for the love that surrounds her!!

Thank goodness for the mighty works shared by everyone in this mission!!


Thank goodness for you!

Some people, like angels, leave a hint of heaven wherever they go

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Friday, August 17, 2012

Home Again

Hi All,

It was an exciting week in Colorado!  We miss our young lady already, but know that she is in good hands.  I met wonderful women that surround her and love her.  Wish I could have spent more time with them.  Wednesday night was small group bible study.  Ladies, thank you for your prayers. Thank you for caring so much for my daughter. And thank you for inviting me to fellowship with you. :)

The adventure continued on Wednesday (the last full day there).  As I mentioned, Chris & Nate took Matt on a mountain bike "ride".  Let me just say that he ..... isn't "geared" for it .... maybe 20 years ago, but not today.

We spent the rest of the day driving around the canyon.  Just awesome!

Our vacation went by fast.  Colorado boasts many healthy, active folks and beautiful rugged mountains.  It was breathtaking experiencing it and wonderful to see Casey again.

We are home again in the small hills of Ohio.  Each place has its own beauty and home is where the heart is.

On Thursday, we left for the airport at 6:00am.  Denver airport is incredibly big.  We tried to get seats next to each other, but the lady at the counter said "she tried".  Matt was sitting directly in front of me.  A nice man next to me agreed to switch seats without hesitation.   I'm so grateful that we were next to each other!  The flight was smooth and uneventful.

Aren't nice people .... nice.

Christie met us at the airport.  I'm so glad she is smart to look up the flight first.  I gave her the wrong pick up time!! She is so sweet to have cared for our pets while we were gone and to transport us.  Mom helped in a big way too by staying with them during the day so they had human contact. 

Today, I woke up around 12:30 in the afternoon.  I consider this the last day of vacation (vacation = other people at work + you are not at work)....the weekend doesn't count!

I have a ton of photos to upload to shutterfly.

May your day be filled with sunshine & flowers!

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tick Tock

Today is the last full day of vacation in Colorado.  Everyone knows ~ vacations go by fast. 

It is the morning hour here and afternoon back home.  No matter what the clock says in your part of the world, we each have 24 hours in a day.  I am still trying to account for the minutes in my day and having trouble living them to the fullest. 

This morning, Casey and Clara left for work. Matt and Chris is mountain biking.  I took my time getting ready and now I'm hanging out until he comes back around noon.  We plan to meet Casey at her work and then do more site seeing. 

Yesterday, I took Matt down by the river.

We met up with Casey for lunch at Quincy's and then took a drive everywhere.

Up Mt Princeton to St Elmos, which is a mining town and now a ghost town. I got a few shots in before it began to downpour. You could tell we are from Ohio ~ we had an umbrella!

We got a movie for the evening and Chris came over for dinner.  End to a perfect day!

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Monday, August 13, 2012


Forgot to mention how the altitude can affect you .... bloody nose for one ~

And last night, my lips looked bruised.  Sort of a dark purple.  Don't know if it is a mixture of oxygen, coumidin (blood thinner) ... or what.

Very strange ~
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Rocky Mountain Oysters?

Today is just a bit chilly!  The sky is cloudy and the mist glides across the peaks. 

We made our way to the gas station to put air in the tires and then to Auto Zone to get a car battery and wiper blades.  Her car has been sitting for about two months since she now has a company SUV that she uses. 

They have a beautiful library.  We picked up some books and movies for those peaceful moments.  (this vacation is more rest & relaxation = R&R than go-go-go)

After that, she went on a call for work and Matt & I went to have lunch.

The Branding Iron
I had an excellent lunch of chicken and salad.  The ever-so-adventurous husband had Rocky Mountain oysters.  (you'll have to google that one)  He said it tasted like veal.  oh, my, my, my ~

Back at Casey's place for a bit ~ waiting to see how long the rain hangs around today or if we will just keep things simple for today. That's okay by me! Spending time with my girl is what matters to me :)

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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Beautiful Sunday

What a wonderful Sunday service!  It was Communion Sunday.  It is great meeting all the women that have befriended Casey.  It is important to bond with women who have positive influences on one another.  We are going back to the church tomorrow so I can get some amazing photos.  We got a little visitor's gift.

Casey is going to take me to the women's small group on Wednesday.  It will be nice to fellowship with them. 

I finished putting up the pictures I've taken so far on my shutterfly site.  The Rockie's are very extreme compared to the lushness of the Blue Ridge.  God's beautiful hand is seen in all of it.

I'm in the mirror ~

Casey has been our tour guide
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What do you see out your back yard?

Looking out the backyard at Casey's place
Saturday morning ~ It's a new day.

Matt and I made it to the airport in plenty of time to get our tickets and go through security.  This was the first time flying in many, many years which means the first time ever of going through security.  A bit confusing, but we managed.  I was taken aside and searched as something in my waistline caused them to question me.  I just had regular jeans on and no belt.  Not sure what they saw, but I was let go to continue through.  I didn't know if my port would set it off (but it is plastic), not sure if the titanium from the biopsy would set it off, but trust me, my sistas aren't down to my waist.  Other than that, was the tats received from radiation.  Oh well, whatever it was, I wonder if it will happen on the trip home.

We flew into Denver by 5:20pm, which was 2 hours earlier than back home.  As we maneuvered through the city and got on the main road to Casey's home, we decided to stop off and get a bite to eat.  It was a wonderful place called DW 285 Diner and our waitress was very friendly and nice.

Bellies full, nice and relaxed, I took the back seat and Matt took the front passenger seat,  while Casey navigated through the mountains.  It was getting dark and the rains began, along with the fog rolling in.  Thankfully, I was laying down or I would have been a nuisance to the driver (and co-pilot).  We pulled in a little before 10pm, which as midnight to us. 

Casey is living in a beautiful home with the homeowner, Clara.  We have been enjoying Clara's little cat, Michipoo, and the hospitality.  Michipoo looks like our Star and Bailey. 

After a nice, quiet night of rest, we got up this morning with enthusiasm to see the sights.  First stop, the local grocery store.  Back home to drop off the food and yes, I took a mini nap.

I didn't want to sleep my vacation away .... once I got up, Casey took us around town and then on the outskirts of town where I got several photos of boulders, mountains and terrain.  After that, we parked in the center of town to enjoy the activities of a festival with vendor booths, and carnival food.  

And that is where we met Chris.  I very nice guy that Casey has been hanging around with.  Funnel cakes and good conversation!

It is 10:45 here (my body is saying 12:40). I'm missing some items of today, but feeling tired. 

Lights out! Church tomorrow ~
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Thursday, August 9, 2012

I've Come A Long Way

This morning I reported to the center for my Herceptin IV.  I walked into the waiting room full of people who just stared at me.  Probably wondering what my story was .... as is human nature.  Some looked like "newbies"~ a look of fear, apprehension, with a slice of denial.  Today, it really hit far I've come. 

I didn't think I would make it out of cocktail hour
Chemo sucks

Nurse Karen attended to me again.  I also got to say hi to Nurse Tracy and Nurse Dawn.  They all commented on my hair and how well I was looking.  (maybe my new glasses are making a difference).  They take such good care of all the patients with a pleasant bed side manner and compassion.  I know that I'm in good hands. 

I asked when I should be getting another Echo for my heart (done for patients on Herceptin).  My last one was January 10 .... wonder if it is time.  Karen is getting a message to my doc and I'll remind her at my next appointment.

April was when I finished cocktail hour and it is now August.  A lot has happened in the last 4 months.  I am so very thankful for the words of encouragement, the prayers, the patience of those around me, of God's mercy and love. 

I have received 3 wonderful cards with 3 beautiful angels in them from

Not sure how I got on their mailing list, but I am very grateful for their gifts and words of encouragement.  I will be sharing more on my blog about them when I get back home.

Tomorrow is Vacation!
Catching the plane to Colorado

I've made my piles to pack in the suitcase and we have made arrangements for our pets. We are definitely ready for some gorgeous blue sky, majestic mountains, a slower pace, meeting new friends and of course many hugs from my daughter.

Taking my laptop
Will keep in touch!

Last time I was there, I had hair!

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Monday, August 6, 2012

Slept the Weekend Away.....Again

You're not going to believe this .... I got home Friday and put my comfy pj's on and didn't get dressed until Monday morning for work. 

Of course, I showered first

Again, slept the weekend away. I'm very glad hubby is patient with me.  There is always so much that I want to tackle, but by the end of the week and working full time, I'm exhausted.

Can't WAIT for VACATION!  Flying out this Friday.

I'm no longer scared about flying.  As one gracious friend pointed out, I made it through cancer treatments, how in the world can I be scared of flying?

She's got a point ~

I picked up my new glasses today and getting use to the style and new script. With progressive lenses, I have to tilt my head just so in order to see clearly. 

More hair coming in .... with these new glasses, I'm really looking my age! Oh well, bound to happen sooner or later.

Really hoping to read a book again .... I miss it so ~

Romans 8:38 ~

  "For I am convinced that neither death nor life,
neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future,
nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in
Christ Jesus our Lord."

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Thursday, August 2, 2012


I went to the health center after work for my MRV.  No problems, except they lost my work order .... the tech remembered receiving it and knew what was instructed.

No contrast required! Yay!

This test took less than 15 minutes ... the last one was an hour long (and with contrast).

So, I will await the results ~

In other news:

Each day I wake up, my hair is fuller.  I use to part my hair in the middle and right now, there is no sign of parts.  That makes me wonder if I get to train my hair in a different way.  I see shimmers and think it is some gray peeking through.  That's ok :)

Tomorrow is Friday!  Looking forward to it.  There is so much to accomplish before our vacation next week.   Heading for Colorado to see my oldest daughter and getting some much needed R&R.  Matt hasn't been there yet, so I'm excited to share the experience with him. 

Off work for 10 consecutive days!

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Never Feel Alone

Wednesday night bible study.  Matt has been going, but this was my first time.  I missed getting together in small group studies and I enjoyed it very much. 

A friend of mine, Leon, wrote to tell me to read Romans again (which I'm doing once my new glasses come in).  Our group leader tonight mentioned Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose."

As I mentioned before, I never asked "God, why me?"  I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason.  It never ceases to amaze me of all the conversations I've had with women (and some men) about cancer.  Either they know someone with cancer or they had their own battle.  There is a feeling of "connection" and it helps to not feel so alone. And I can give God glory by my testimony.

Even our care takers need to feel connected.  Thank you, Ron, for taking time to see Matt.  He was on cloud nine!

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