Friday, October 19, 2012

3 Little Babies

Hi all,

Just a bit of an update . . . Sunday, I really jarred myself when I fell.  Let's just say: kitten + stairs and middle of the night = tumble.  It mainly pained my left leg.  Oh mercy me!

Momma cat had taken the 3 little babies somewhere for the last 10 days and we couldn't find them until yesterday.  In our garage!


This morning, my dog was doing her high pitched whine, so I turned on the porch light and sure enough, the little gray one was on our porch.  I threw on my coat and took the flash light out to find the others, but didn't find them.  I took off for work and Matt called later that the other two were in the bushes out front.  He brought them up and watched over them.  Momma cat seemed to ignore them and they tumbled over the porch a few times.  They are so wobbly when they walk .... like walking on ice.

I came home around 10:30 (vacation) and came up with a game plan.   We fit the cat station inside of a big plastic tub.  Momma could jump in and out, but the babies couldn't.  Nice and snug.  The weather is getting colder and we hope to find homes for them very soon.  Today, we bought little kitten bottles and food to begin weening them. 

By weening them, we can take her to get fixed and not worry about the anesthesia in her system and in her milk. 


  1. First off, I love the new layout! It is very clean and pleasing to the eyes. Every time you send me a picture or post a picture, my heart just melts. I think you're doing it on purpose, my friend! :-) I absolutely love those faces. I wonder if Todd will let me bring home all 3?

    1. Well, the proof is in the pudding! (where did that saying come from?) All 3 little babies are now in your caring arms. I am so grateful and know that they will thrive in your home. So glad they didn't have to be split up. Just remember, we are here to help as well. Blessings to you!


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