Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Compassion International

Compassion International

Time does seem to go by in a hurry.  The child I sponsor in India will be turning 15 in January.  I began sponsoring him in 2005, when he was 8 years old.  I recognize the envelope immediately and carefully open the letter in anticipation of knowing that he is doing well and sometimes I am surprised with a photo.  As I write back to him, I am sure to include encouraging words and photos of myself and my family. 

I had a bit of a dry spell when I was in the thick of treatment.  This time, I explained it to him. I am hoping that I was careful in my wording and I would imagine that the translator will help in that area.

Being a part of this child's life has truly been a blessing.

If you are ever interested in becoming a sponsor, click on the link.

They also have a blog


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