Saturday, November 17, 2012


How can so many different emotions exist in me at one time?  Well, it feels like all at once, but it is more like one right after the other and around again full circle.

I've been putting some overtime in order to take off early today.  Two reasons: Christie's 1st chemo and Casey's arrival at the airport. 
Sort of like "bitter-sweet"

Sis's appointment was 1:00 and I was able to take off work at that time and arrived at the clinic as the party was getting started.  I wasn't going to miss it come hell or high water.  I will let her tell you the names of her chemo and such.  We got some great news from the scans ... no cancer in the liver! no cancer in her spine! If there is any cancer anywhere else, this cocktail is going to get it.  Actually, Doc said that the tumor should shrink considerably by her follow up appointment in 10 days!

Doc is throwing the book at her and that is the best statement anyone can say.  To be there right with you, not giving up, being knowledgeable in oncology and making the best treatment decisions available.

I sure do hate the fact that she has to go through this at all.  I also know that Jesus is holding her hand right now. 

and so am I

The plan was to stop in at the clinic and then run home to pick up hubby and make it to the airport by Casey's 3:34 arrival time.  Well, Matt took care of doing that while I stayed a little longer to be able to hear the doctor and ask questions. SO glad I did!  Casey is very understanding (thank you!) 

I've been jumping up and down all week in anticipation of her coming home for Thanksgiving. Been missing her to pieces!  This is the "sweet" part :)

What a day! I have 10 days off before returning to work and I plan to use them as wisely as possible!

May you have a joyful weekend!!

Isn't she sweet?!


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