Sunday, November 4, 2012

Not again!

The last few days have been shocking.  My sister has been such an angel during my illness, taking such good care of me and always lending a hand or a shoulder.  How did the tide suddenly turn?

Her annual mammogram came out fine the beginning of the year.  She started to notice changes and even went to her doctor who had the balls to say that she was having sympathy pains for her sister (me).

I'd like to kick him in the balls and tell him that is just sympathy pains for the jerks in this world.

Ladies, we are here to remind you, when you notice changes in your body, don't take no for an answer!  She didn't.

Christie's biopsy was Thursday, Nov 1.  From there, they sent her to Dr. Partin, the same surgeon I had.  Since the biopsy wasn't back yet, they discussed some of the details. 

They received more news the next day.  They were called to come in to see Dr. Partin at 11:00. After numerous tests that lasted most of the day (test, wait, go to another lab, test, wait and repeat).  At about 5:30, I received a text that they were heading home. Oh! Such a long and exhausting day!

Still not much news to report except that she has told her children, mom, dad, youngest sister and she is notifying those in her life's circle.  That is a very good thing! It is so VERY important to have people support you with love and prayers and a lending hand.

I hope Christie at least writes down her journey.  It is good therapy.  And, if she decides to publicize it, then she will get even more prayers and encouragement.  She did give me permission to share her journey with mine.

We are entwined as sisters and just living in the moment.

Lord, I don't want to live in fear. Help me remember to always bring my concerns to You in prayer so that Your peace that passes all understanding will permanently reside in my heart. I draw my strength from You and I refuse to be afraid of illness. I refuse to be afraid of death itself.

I Corinthians 15:
54 Then, when our dying bodies have been transformed into bodies that will never die,[j] this Scripture will be fulfilled: “Death is swallowed up in victory.[k]
55 O death, where is your victory?     O death, where is your sting?[l]


It was beautiful to have my new church family pray for my sister today.  My pastor gave me a prayer cloth annointed with oil.  I will take it to her tomorrow when we meet with Dr Esther (my oncologist). I hope to take notes and be a support for her. 

Lord, I come to You today and pray for healing and wholeness for my sister. I ask that sickness and infirmity will have no place or power in her life. I pray for protection against any disease coming into her body and trust that You will place Your hand upon her body and heal her.  I ask that you give her strength and comfort to endure the treatments that will rid the cancer cells from her body.  I pray for a miracle that the tumor shrinks to absolutely nothing remaining and that the doctors will see for themselves just what a miracle can be!  Use this situation to Your glory, God, and let Your light shine upon everyone who watches! Amen and Amen!


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