Thursday, January 19, 2012

Why I am Where I am

Today, I made it through a full shift of work! Oh boy, was I tired, but I did it.  I'm so grateful to have the type of job I do have.  I work in the world of HR/Benefits, mainly leave of absences.  Expert in FMLA.  With this, comes dealing with medical issues and benefits ... but more importantly, people.  In hospice situations, I get involved with their families as well.  There are very special memories I have kissing the cheek of someone who is taking their last breathe.  I whisper, "save a dance for me in heaven".  The special bond with those families is something I will always treasure.

After a month of feeling consumed with my own illness, I was reminded today of why I am where I am. God surely knew where I would be of most value to Him in this world.  I am grateful indeed.

Despite the roller coaster, today was a triumphant day as I rested in God's grace.

I love this video


  1. Congrats on making it through a full shift at work. I’m sure it couldn’t have been easy for you. Never underestimate your value in what you do. I know when I first met you, confused and overwhelmed with FMLA issues, your wisdom in such matters along with your calming and reassuring attitude meant a great deal to me. It still does.

    Carrie Underwood really puts her heart and soul into a powerful and beautiful hymn. Thanks for sharing with others.


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