Thursday, March 1, 2012

What Happens if You Die on Feb 29?

It is with great sadness to write about the loss of my father-in-law, Rickie.  We received the phone call from work that Rickie had collapsed and CPR was being administered.  The EMTs were frantically working on him all the way out to the squad. 

I got Matt out the door heading to the hospital and I made the calls to family to meet him there.  I couldn't go, as I was way too weak. 

Matt called. He was dead on arrival. 

Only 57 ~ I can tell you that he was with people who cared about him.  They reacted quickly and he was not alone.  He was with people who cared about me and Matt too.  Rickie worked where I work and a few years ago, Matt did too.  A family owned business with a lot of heart. 

The medical examiner called us today and said he had a really bad heart and that there was nothing anybody could have done.  He died immediately.  For me, that is a God send...anytime there is no suffering is a God send. 

Feb 29 - 3:16pm.  I haven't been to work since my last chemo.  If I would have been there, I would have been in the ambulance with him.  How very sad.

So, what do we do next year? What do people do when there is an important event in your life and it falls on leap year?  I have no clue.

We are trying to put all the pieces together.  No will. No power of attorney. No life insurance policy.  Funeral homes want the money up front.  I know God will provide. He always does. 

We did contact Newcomers and think that we will go with them.  And we will definitely make it a time of day that his co-workers can pay their respect. 

For now, we just want to thank everyone for their words of comfort.  We always appreciate prayer.  A friend sent this video today and it is wonderfully moving.


  1. Carol ~ Once again, as with your friend Mr. White, I am saddened by this tragic news. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and Matt during this time. ~ JM


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