Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The 6th & Last Cocktail

It's been 6 days since writing .... been asleep for most of it.

April 26 was my 6th chemo session .... at least with the cocktail.  I will continue Herceptin thru the remainder of the year, every 3rd Thursday.

Filling out my side effect survey
My oldest daughter arrived with me and stayed the whole day.  They have changed the lab work which gave results a lot quicker.  Nurse Regina cared for me this time. Because of the port in one arm and surgery on the other, blood pressure has to be taken on my leg/ankle.

Blood Pressure taken on my ankle

Since my numbers were good, I didn't need a blood transfusion this time.  With all that said, I finished around 2:00pm. 

No more pole dancing for me!

Matt brought lunch and Jasmine. 

No matter how hard I tried, my girls wouldn't cooperate with a "nice" picture.  So .... this is what we get

My prize for making it through chemo ???? A cupcake ~

After coming home, I went to bed and stayed there.

Thinking of you Alie


  1. Congrats Carol on finishing your chemo! You should feel very pleased, proud and accomplished. You’ve crested the top of the roller coaster and it’s all downhill from here. Woo hoo!!!

    1. Thanks Joe! Staying positive! Gonna beat this crazy canzer!

  2. Hi Carol! Just checking up on you. I asked someone the other day if they had seen you and they said they hadn't so I got worried. Then I remembered your blog. Duh! I haven't updated mine for a month so I wasn't thinking about it.
    Congrats to your daughter and I hope you are feeling better today!! Praying for your strength.

    1. Thanks for thinking of me :) I didn't know you had a blog too .... If you are sharing, send me a link at preciousditto@gmail.com

      Hope to be back very soon. I'm missing everyone.


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