Wednesday, October 31, 2012

To My Daughters

May You Be Blessed Movie: "Sometimes our light goes out but is blown again into flame by an encounter with another human being. Each of us owes the deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this inner light." This is a quote from Albert Schweitzer, but it captures the essence of what "May You Be Blessed" is all about.

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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Some Side Effects and Gilda Radner

Just a bit of an update ~

This morning, I counted 2 eye lashes on one side and 3 on the other side.  My hair seems to be thinning and I give my eyebrows a little help with a brow pencil. Thanks to the 5 year pill.

And still .... so very tired.  I'm suppose to be exercising, but by the time I get home from work, I can barely do anything.

Right now, I have the heating pad on my back.  The steroids are gone and the pain is noticeable again.

Although I could continuing sharing my aches & pains, I will stop for now ~

 Well, at least I'm not as bad as this guy......

So smile, someone else probably has it a lot worse!
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Compassion International

Compassion International

Time does seem to go by in a hurry.  The child I sponsor in India will be turning 15 in January.  I began sponsoring him in 2005, when he was 8 years old.  I recognize the envelope immediately and carefully open the letter in anticipation of knowing that he is doing well and sometimes I am surprised with a photo.  As I write back to him, I am sure to include encouraging words and photos of myself and my family. 

I had a bit of a dry spell when I was in the thick of treatment.  This time, I explained it to him. I am hoping that I was careful in my wording and I would imagine that the translator will help in that area.

Being a part of this child's life has truly been a blessing.

If you are ever interested in becoming a sponsor, click on the link.

They also have a blog

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Sunday, October 21, 2012


Did you get an opportunity to read John 11:1-44 yet?  If you don’t have a bible, here you go:

I heard a sermon recently discussing the shortest sentence in the bible.

35 Jesus wept.

I’ve heard many sermons talk about why Jesus wept. To name a few:  1) He was sad that there was so much lack of faith, 2) He was sad to lose his friend, Lazarus.  We know that God would be glorified throughout this whole episode. 

It is interesting when you can truly bible “study” … dig deep down into the words and think about things in a different “perspective”. 

How about in Lazarus’ perspective?

Check this out…. Have you ever thought about Heaven and what it is like? How beautiful. How peaceful and loving. How marvelous.  Most importantly, the fact that in Heaven, we are in the midst of our Holy God.  Jesus knew that he was about to pull Lazarus back to earth, back to his earthly body and back from the embrace, protection and love of God.  Plus, Lazarus would have to die again when it was time to go back home to be with our Lord.
That would make me cry too.

It had never occurred to me and I just wanted to share this with you. 

I love imagining Heaven.  Two more things to share.  First, take a look at girl is now 18 and she began art at the age of 4.  God has truly given her a gift and I adore all her paintings.  Especially those she paints of Heaven.  Her poems are very thought-provoking as well.

I Can Only Imagine by Mercy Me

25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. 26 And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?”

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Friday, October 19, 2012

3 Little Babies

Hi all,

Just a bit of an update . . . Sunday, I really jarred myself when I fell.  Let's just say: kitten + stairs and middle of the night = tumble.  It mainly pained my left leg.  Oh mercy me!

Momma cat had taken the 3 little babies somewhere for the last 10 days and we couldn't find them until yesterday.  In our garage!


This morning, my dog was doing her high pitched whine, so I turned on the porch light and sure enough, the little gray one was on our porch.  I threw on my coat and took the flash light out to find the others, but didn't find them.  I took off for work and Matt called later that the other two were in the bushes out front.  He brought them up and watched over them.  Momma cat seemed to ignore them and they tumbled over the porch a few times.  They are so wobbly when they walk .... like walking on ice.

I came home around 10:30 (vacation) and came up with a game plan.   We fit the cat station inside of a big plastic tub.  Momma could jump in and out, but the babies couldn't.  Nice and snug.  The weather is getting colder and we hope to find homes for them very soon.  Today, we bought little kitten bottles and food to begin weening them. 

By weening them, we can take her to get fixed and not worry about the anesthesia in her system and in her milk. 

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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Living in the Moment

What does it mean "Living in the moment" opposed to "Living for the moment" ?

Find out here at Christian Working Woman

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Monday, October 15, 2012


Well, I went through the templates and for now, picked this one.  It doesn't allow a header or footer and it hides the gadgets.  Not sure I'm going to keep it yet. 

I was pondering on what to incorporate into my writings now that treatments have slowed down.  Figured out that I want to stay true to the title "Living in the Moment".  I want to write about whatever is on my mind on any given day and perhaps share some word of God studies that have intrigued me. 


Maybe I can share some short stories or photography tips ... maybe just share things from my heart.

Writing is a joy to me. 

Next topic: John 11:1-44

Don't have a bible?

Until next time ~
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Friday, October 12, 2012

Today's Herceptin

This morning was my Herceptin (every 3 weeks).  Nurse Traci took care of me today.  I will miss these angels when my treatments are done. Traci mentioned a new chemo that is taken with Herceptin called Perjeta.  As with all drugs, this has some dozy side effects.

I've missed some work this week as I was overly-fatigued and then yesterday I thought I caught a germ.  Today, I made it to work after chemo and just getting through the day.

Definitely glad it is Friday!

Blessings to you and yours ~
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Sunday, October 7, 2012

More Kitties!

I have NO idea why it took momma cat so long to bring her kitties up to the safety of our front porch.  First, it was the white one (previous post) in the morning. Then later that evening, the gray kitten was laying next to the white one!  The following morning, the orange one was laying with the other two. 

We figure they are two weeks old.

Free kittens! Any takers?
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Saturday, October 6, 2012

Another Kitty

Check out my sister's re-design by merging 3 of her blogs into one fantastic, beautiful, informational site!  Very creative Christie.

Heather, where is your blog??? well, I might take you up on the research items from pininterest and such.  I'm looking for a neat thingy-a-bob to hold my earrings.  (hope school is going well for you!)

So, about the time we brought the two kitties in from outside, the momma showed up skinny again.  We figure she gave birth around Sept 21.  We looked everywhere for the litter, even thinking they were under our front porch.  Couldn't find them.  Lots of raccoons have been stalking our property.

Today, Momma brought her one and only on the front porch inside the carpeted kitty play station.   

It is all white and barely has it's eyes open.

Momma trusts us ... now we need to come up with some $$ to get her fixed. She is a neighborhood stray.

Still thinking about what to do with my blog .....
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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Time for a Re-Design

Next week is my Herceptin. After that, I'll wait 3 weeks and do it again.  Besides the chemo drip and a few back issues, my intense journey with breast canSURVIVE is winding down. 

Writing this blog has been very therapeutic and I love sharing my photos and thoughts (not sure if anyone cares to read them!)

So, what's next?

Well, I've been thinking that there are other things in my life that interest me and I don't always have to (or want to) talk about canzer.  That can get boring.

I'm thinking about getting creative with the design and figure out how to segue into another topic, yet keep the information (history) in tack.  I will plan it out and organize it and then introduce it .....

For those of you who know me, do you have any suggestions on topics?  Or, has this venue played itself out?

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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

It's October!

As I turn the calendar page to another month, I again reflect upon the last 11 months.  Most of it seems like a blur, but not when you are going through the thick of it.  There were some dark moments not so long ago.  But they have faded and are but dim memories.  None that I ever want to relive again.

I love capturing Reflections
Fall is my favorite season.  God's voice whispers to my heart as my eyes take in the colors that are so alive, so vivid. I want to stay inside the frame and bypass winter. If only I could.

Well, I'm finishing up the regiment of steroids .... wondering if I am going to get more "manly" between that and the estrogen blockers .... (just kidding).  My back is still giving me fits, but I am fighting back.

Jackie, my ball is IN USE!

Next week is my Herceptin.  I'm not scheduled to see any doctors until January.  No upcoming tests.  Weird.

I'm losing a little bit of my "expression" again.  Have to pencil in some brows. Must be an effect from the Arimidex (Anastrozole).  I'm not concerned about it. After everything else .....

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Have you had your mammogram yet?

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