Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Physical Therapy

After work today, I went for my first physical therapy visit.  Hopefully, gently working and stretching will help get the kinks out and return my range of motion and strength.  I will be going every Tuesday & Thursday for at least 4-6 weeks.  I'm really excited about getting to this next step in my journey.

I want my strength back!
I don't want to be so fatigued anymore!


  1. Hi, Carol Lynn - I can so relate to the emotions you are going through right now. I am sharing in your gratitude for getting through the checkups with an "all clear." Good luck with physical therapy and enjoy your holidays!


  2. Thank you Jen! I was showing my sister how you transitioned from your "journey" blog to your Tamoxifen journal. I'm thinking about what I'm going to next with my blog. Christie is trying to find her own "look" and feel of it. I appreciate your words and thank you for leaving a comment. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


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