Monday, January 7, 2013

I Came This Close

I came home from the hospital yesterday afternoon and can't tell you how wonderful it is to be here. This morning I was feeling a little melancholy when thinking about my nurses and how blessed I was to have their care.

I had my 10 day checkup with Doc today. She showed me how low all of my numbers were on Thursday and how they went up each day in the hospital. Today everything is normal. As I hopped back up on the table she asked who was responsible for getting me to finally call. I told her Richard dialed the number and put the phone in my hand and Carol made me promise the night before to go in for hydration. Doc turned and patted Richard on the shoulder and told him, "Good job." Then she looked at me and said, "If this happens to you again you will die." She walked over and hugged me. "Don't scare your oncologist like that."

Thank you Richard, Carol, and Doc Esther for saving my life.


  1. I've decided that I'm visiting EVERY single day for 8 days post-chemo. So there.

    1. okie dokie, sis:) I won't be able to get anything past you now!

  2. That is some scary shit! Don't do that Sis!

  3. Christie
    It's a good thing you have people around you to monitor your condition and prevent you from being too brave. I hope you continue to improve.

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    This beauty contestant plans to remove both breasts because of family pre-disposition to cancer. She is only 24.


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