Monday, August 27, 2012

Get a Jump Start to the Day!

Sunday morning, our alarm was set for church .... except it didn't go off!  My husband was the first to sit up straight and yell "oh no! what time is it?"

Talk about getting a jump start to my day!

The whole block was out.  We weren't running late, so the panic mode decreased as we began our morning routine.  Good thing I don't need a hair dryer!

This was a great Sunday because our friend, Nancy, came to visit our church.  It was great seeing her again after such a long time and it was a blessing to have her fellowship with us.

Saturday - Panera's with Teri / Sunday - Panera's with Tina
Yes, I love Panera's!

Afterwards, I headed to Panera's in town to meet up with a former co-worker who is now living in Germany.  Oh! it was so great seeing her again.  If you want to read a brilliantly written blog read Tina's.

Four hours was just not enough to catch up on everything! Tina, THANK YOU for spending time with me during your stay back home.  Hannah is the most precious little one!

My prayers are now "specific" and will certainly continue to pray....

We spent FOUR hours at lunch!


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