Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Prayer Request

As it sometimes happens, this is from a friend of a friend of a friend.....

Posted 9-11-2012
Hey all!!!  I have a favor to ask.  I have told y'all about my friend Shea and how she has had colon cancer (about 2 years ago) and is now pregnant.  Well she had surgery early on in her pregnancy to remove a recurrence of her colon cancer that was found in her ovary area....well she went to the OB last week because of some spotting issues and because of history they decided to biopsy a couple of places.  They said baby looked great.  The biopsy results came back on Friday and showed abnormal cells in her cervix.  This could mean cancer has already formed a mass or it could be the cancer starting to form. They are saying it's another recurrence of her colon cancer. Either way the doctors have decided it's best to deliver her baby at earliest 28 weeks (that would be next week Wednesday 9-19) or I think the longest they are willing to wait is 30 weeks.  She most likely will be under sedation because they are talking about performing a hysterectomy while she is under.  She goes in tomorrow for an MRI to give the docs an idea of what they will find on delivery day.  Please be praying for no tumor, protection for her body from this nasty cancer and protection for that sweet baby growing strong inside her.  She will most likely start chemo after her c-section scar heals.  I love her to death and I would greatly appreciate you praying for her.  Please feel free to mention her to your prayer groups if you would like.  Thank you all very much!!!!



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